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Ao Oni: no, I will not review it. So, been a while again. Sorry for the unannounced month’s break, but on the up side, my bragging that I would update before Dresden Codak would on Facebook the other day, I *did* cause Dresden Codak to post a new page. So if you’re a fan of that, please direct your thanks and Patreongolds to me. If nothing else, I’ve taught myself not to promise more frequent updates, because almost immediately afterwards Things Happen or fail to happen.

Not really sure what I’ll be doing next, but it *won’t* be Ao Oni.


[+/-]#29- METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE published on No Comments on [+/-]#29- METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE

Bluh, that was a long wait. This is the first time all five characters showed up in the same strip! I very nearly forgot how their costumes went.

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